Womb work
Our Womb space is our seat of deep wisdom and our creative power centre. It is where we birth new life and/or new ideas into the world. Birthing doesn't just happen on the physical plane in the form a child. We all experience the birthing process on an energetic plane, in the form of a new project, new business, new intention, or perhaps a new way of living.
This is also where we often store energetic imprints of past relationships, lovers, emotional memories, and trauma. These imprints can stay buried in our subconscious, creating energetic blocks in our womb space.
Womb work is aimed at cultivating a healthy womb on a physical and energetic level. I created different offerings to address womb health in a way that addresses the physical more, or the energetic depending on what your intention and beliefs are or both. Each session is tailored to the individual.
Womb Massage Therapy is based on the original Mayan method but has been developed further to incorporate different massage techniques, pulsing and rebozo work. A relaxing, non-invasive and effective therapy, Womb Massage can be used to support people challenged by PCOS, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, pelvic adhesions, tilted uterus, painful or heavy bleeds, clotting and irregular cycles, as well as generally improving the function of the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes. It can also be an incredible support during menopause and after hysterectomy or abdominal surgery of any kind.
Womb health and gut health being closely linked, this modality incorporates Abdominal Massage which focuses on releasing physical and emotional tension, helping to loosen hardened debris accumulated in the gut for years, encouraging a natural clearing of physical and emotional congestion. This release can help with Candida, Constipation, Irritable Bowel, Crohn's, Colitis and Celiac conditions.
The modality also includes Sacral Massage aimed at easing tension, scar tissue and adhesions in the sacrum.
Womb Massage Therapy offers not just physical benefits, it also allows to release tension, emotions and trauma trapped within the pelvic area. By restoring harmony and balance to the reproductive, digestive and sacral areas, we can journey together into re-awakening your connection to your womb - whether you still have a physical womb or not, the energetic womb always remains.
If you are a cycling human, your treatment can be at any time in your cycle, normally avoiding your period.
1.5h Initial & Longer session
Each treatment is individualised to the client and incorporates a unique blend of womb massage, abdominal massage, Rebozo (wrapping the body in cloth), pulsing & energy healing designed to improve circulation, blood, nerve and lymph flow within the digestive and reproductive organs.
Fertility Massage Therapy is a combination of physical, emotional and spiritual techniques aimed at supporting to ready your body for conception. Relaxing, non-invasive and effective, it can be used to support people challenged by PCOS, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, pelvic adhesions, blocked fallopian tubes, tilted uterus, painful or heavy bleeds, clotting, irregular cycles as well as greatly improving circulation to the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes.
The Fertility journey can be a stressful process for some people creating emotional turmoil which gets stored into the Womb space. Fertility Massage can be a supportive and nurturing modality during your fertility journey, offering not just physical benefits, but also the opportunity to release tension and emotions trapped within the pelvic area. By restoring harmony and balance to the reproductive, digestive and sacral areas, we can journey together into re-awakening your connection to your womb.
Whether you have been trying for years, experienced miscarriage, using natural medicine or going through IVF cycles, using an egg or sperm donor, in a same sex, different sex or single parent situation, Fertility Massage Therapy can be an effective support in your journey.
Your treatment needs to be in the two weeks of your ovulatory phase only, not at any other time.
1.5h Initial & Longer session
Fertility Massage Therapy is a beautiful combination of physical, emotional and spiritual techniques to ready your body for conception. Relaxing, non-invasive and effective methodology, it helps with circulation, hormone balance and womb alignment, while addressing any trauma or loss experienced in the past.
As Womb holders (of physical or energetic Wombs) we carry a lot in this space which is our centre of creativity where along the years we accumulate other people's energies and sometimes trauma.
Womb healing reawakens the womb connecting the person receiving to their true source of healing, love, creativity and sensuality. It's a guided deep dive into healing the scars that have been left behind by traumas, relationships, sexual encounters, social conditioning, miscarriage, divorce, self identity, and so much more. A session is aimed at clearing all that doesn't belong to you or serve you from your womb and create space for what you wish to call in.
Each session is tailored to the needs of the person on the table and may include energy healing, visualisation, rebozo wrapping, sound, crystals, essential oils, breathwork, Cacao and Rose medicine, womb massage.
1.5h - Womb Healing
A womb healing session is aimed at clearing all that doesn't belong to you or serve you from your womb and create space for what you wish to call in.
Each session is tailored to the needs of the person on the table and may include energy healing, visualisation, rebozo wrapping, sound, crystals, essential oils, breathwork, Cacao and Rose medicine, womb massage.
2h - Womb Healing
A womb healing session is aimed at clearing all that doesn't belong to you or serve you from your womb and create space for what you wish to call in.
Each session is tailored to the needs of the person on the table and may include energy healing, visualisation, rebozo wrapping, sound, crystals, essential oils, breathwork, Cacao and Rose medicine, womb massage.